Quick update:
The girls turned 6 months old this Tuesday - how the time flies. Although, it took long enough that their 1st birthday still seems ages away!
Lilah slept through the night for the last two evenings and I'm crossing my fingers that these girls will synchronize their Swatches and perform this magical feat at the exact same time. (No, they don't have Swatches, but if they did, Charlotte's would be pink and Lilah's would be purple.)
Sleeping through the night may have something to do with the fact that they're working on the solid food thing. This weekend I cut, steamed and pureed both carrots and butternut squash to see how these higher fiber foods would be received, because the rice cereal was not doing us any favors. The girls still have no idea what this solid food thing is all about, but Lilah is better at opening her mouth to see what this new texture thing is. Nanntastic Cindy reported back that the carrots were a big flop (insert Price is Right over-bid sound here). Both girls made horrid faces with squinty eyes and squinched mouths and discovered that orange is a great color for clothes, faces and hair. Noted.
A few days later she tried the squash, which got the fun label "butt nut" on the container, with mixed results. This time the texture was a little more up their alley and Charlotte even opened her mouth for more. Nanntastic Cindy thought that they actually ingested quite a bit of it, which I interpreted to mean that she found less on their clothes than last time. And when the time came for their next bottle, they really weren't interested because they were still full! Success! We still aren't considering "butt nut" as a replacement for a meal, but it's a good start all the same.
Next week: Apples and bananas.
In other news, thanks to the amazing generosity of friends and family, and their children who grew far too quickly out of pre-purchased diapers, we have only had to buy diapers once in 6 months. But, this weekend I anticipate that the diaper well (maybe that's notthe best term?) will officially run dry. Not a bad stretch as far as I'm concerned, but since we still haven't seen a check from all those ad clicks you've been doing, it's going to cramp the budget a bit. Maybe we're close to reducing some formula costs in exchange for cheaper fruits and veggies? Fingers crossed.
9 months ago
Happy Half Birthday girls!
What you arent having a half birthday party??? Robbed they are!! ;D
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